Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pumpkin Inquiry

During Hallowe'en week, the Full-Day Kindergarten students began an inquiry on pumpkins.  We began the inquiry by placing a mystery object in the center of the carpet.  The students had to guess what the object under the blanket was (see the photo).  Some of their guesses included a ball, a watermelon and a toy.

What's under the mystery blanket?
After taking a few predictions, the mystery object was finally revealed...

Ta-da!  The mystery object revealed!
After revealing the pumpkin, the students began to share what they knew about it.  They knew quite about about pumpkins from previous experience, but they still had lots of questions about them.  Here's what we came up with so far... we will be exploring our wonderings about pumpkins in the coming days!

Look at what we know about pumpkins!

Here's what we want to find out about pumpkins

Out inquiry is off to a fine start!

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